With cool, dry weather fast approaching, I thought it may be good to re-post this blog from February 2012…

Are you getting shocked every time you touch something in your home… or scaring a pet when you reach to pet them and they get hit with a bolt of electricity… or is your hair out of control because you can’t rid it of static electricity… or are your clothes clinging in all the wrong places? Well, the answer is simple to de-electrify your home or office… simply put moisture in the air, better known as humidity.

During the cold winter months when the air in your home or office is too dry, in addition to static electricity you may experience a dry throat and nose, respiratory problems, nagging cough, dry skin, and have uncomfortable pets because of itchy skin. Adding moisture to the air will solve all these problems and make everyone more comfortable.

The process of adding moisture to the air is simple, a small humidifier is all you need. There are many models available at Walgreens, Walmart, Target, or any general department store. The unit doesn’t have to be big or intrusive, but can be small enough to be out of the way on the floor or set on a small table.

Most problems begin to occur in October or November when the weather turns cold and will continue until things warm up again around March. I run my humidifier in my bedroom during the night for these winter months to help me sleep better and wake up feeling hydrated and ready for the day. Humidity in your home should be 30% to 50% and you can measure this if desired. But, you’ll be able to tell when the humidity is right because the problems will disappear and you’ll be comfortable. (If you reach the point where you have moisture collecting on your windows, the humidity is probably too high and you can cut back on running the humidifier).

So, if you’re experiencing some of the symptoms of dry air this winter, use a humidifier to make yourself, your pets, and everyone in your home more comfortable.

Strive to be healthy!


Those who struggle with Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) need no definition or description of the condition. But, for others who are not exactly sure what it is or are curious about symptoms, please read on:

perrier_sparkling_mineral_water-400-400RLS is a strange condition typically described as a tingling, aching, or burning sensation in the thighs and calves when lying down, causing involuntary movement of the legs. RLS is not a major illness, but is uncomfortable and can lead to other issues because of lack of sleep.

Several years ago, I thought RLS was a fact of life I had to accept and had no control over. I never thought of it as a medical condition… just an annoyance leading to insomnia and frustration. Very often I felt sluggish and irritable during the day because of the interrupted sleep during the night.

When I began addressing my health issues, I had appointments at Innerworks Holistic Health Center on a regular basis. While discussing my lack of energy and general fatigue, I mentioned losing sleep due to RLS. The health care worker shared a simple remedy I believe was a major turning point in my health care routine. I was told to drink a 4-ounce glass of mineral water within 5 to 10 minutes of going to bed each night. I know… you think this is crazy and question whether it will work, but if you suffer from RLS, I urge you to give it a try. Again, you must drink at least four ounces and it must be within a few minutes of turning out the light to go to sleep.

RLS can also be a symptom of dehydration. So don’t depend only on the mineral water. You need to hydrate adequately throughout the day, as well. Keeping your body supplied with water will reduce (if not eliminate) leg cramps during the night and help with RLS.

Drink plenty of water during the day, top it off with mineral water before bed, and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Strive to be healthy!

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